A short film on artist Laxmi Hussain
Craft · Film

Nested · John Lewis · Habitat

Creative Mothers
Personal Project

Dunhill for Telegraph Luxury
Portrait · Craft · Storytelling

Christopher Farr x Nancy Nicholson
Craft · Portrait · Storytelling · Film

Tanya Ling x Christopher Farr
Craft · Portrait · Painting · Storytelling

Jewellery & Accessories
Ruberg · Emma Montague · Jenny Sweetnam ···

Armani, The Pilgrm, The Ned for Monocle · TOG ···


Lockdown Walks
Personal Project · Prints

“We find beauty not in the thing itself but in the patterns of shadows, the light and the darkness, that one thing against another creates.”

Jun'ichiro Tanizaki


Rosh Mahtani & Glen Spiro
Telegraph Luxury

Dog-Friendly London
Hoxton Mini Press x Four and Sons

Christopher Farr

Rive Roshan

Ephemeral Memories